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The story behind the wedding photo: Nicoline and her classic car


We want to show you photos, more often, that really speak to us. At Nicoline and Dennis’ wedding we took many many photos. And actually we like quite a lot of their photos. The couple was so expressive in their emotions that we had to choose which photo to show. We could have chosen that photo where Nicoline’s dad gives the hand of his daughter to Dennis, or the moment where Nicoline is hugged by her brother…

This photo is chosen and made by Ramon. He says about this photo: “I like it so much, because Nicoline has this genuine big smile. She arranged for the car to be on her wedding. A thing normally done by grooms, but Nicoline loves this type or wedding cars. In this moment it is all perfect: Nicoline looks stunning, she enjoys the sun on her wedding, she sits next to the car and everything is as it should be.